There are a few compelling reasons why a business who markets directly to the consumer should have a Pinterest presence, and below are a few ideas to convince you:
1. Most millennials will conduct a Google search for a product or service they are seeking. Pinterest links will show in their search results if you have the correct tag and description to match the search query. Huge opportunity to grow your brand with Pinterest.
2. Linking — to build your brand and have greater placement on Google (without paying for it) it’s best to have a number of platforms that showcase your brand, business and offerings. This ensures you are found and have multiple links to your various platforms (i.e. LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, your website, etc.)
3. You can target ads on Pinterest — this is essential for growing your brand in your geographic location. Once a person re-pins your ad, you get additional exposure in your local market.
4. You become a resource and expert in your field by showcasing your offerings. In addition, by pinning and creating boards of other local businesses, you are sharing the wealth and supporting the local community.
5. Repurpose your blog posts; link them back to your website to maintain the flow of traffic to your site.
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